Cloud And Sun DJ Services Weekly Blog

Hi And Welcome to my regular blog. I will try and keep it humorous which may mean mildly colourful language at times. I hope you enjoy it and won't be offended. In order to protect the guilty; no Customers will be mentioned by name unless it's complementary and even then I may opt for anonymity. This is only because I wanted to impress you by putting in the word "anonymity."  If I can think of any other slightly more pointless and annoying rules, I will let you know in due course.


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» Listings for June 2013

  1. Hi all. I'm thinking I shouldn't talk about the weather but really? Is it just late or is it never coming? the summer of course. I must say, I'm not regretting the big sweat of loading into a marquee gig in the hot humid summers of yester year...Actually, I've yet to do a marquee gig this year. Perhaps they are getting fewer marquee hires this year for that reason? I mean apart from the fact that just about everyone is getting fewer bookings this year accross all sections of the industry of course. That's a given.

    I recall doing a wedding gig last summer in a marquee in someone's garden - A large garden of course. The weather wasn't too bad to start with, but then at around 5pm it started tipping it down and just didn't stop. I had my large golfing umbrella with me. I'm not a golfer, but they were selling them at Asdas for a reasonable price some years ago, so I thought I'd indulge. Funny I nearly left the damn thing in the shopping trolly before I ever got it home. Had to rush back and grab it. I guess though I was always destined to lose it. A guest at the wedding said that "it was alright for her to borrow it as I'd already lent it to her mum". Bit cheeky I thought, so I said "if you actually ask me nicely and promise to bring it back, then yes". That was the last time I ever saw it. Why is it that 99% of the stuff I ever lend out get's plain freaking stolen? I should never have broken my vow of many years ago never to lend anything to anyone for anything ever again for ever! Grrr!

    Anyway, irritating umbrella petty-theft aside, it never stopped raining from that point on. Perhaps you recall the day yourself? Perhaps it just melts into the vague memory of the perpetual rainy days of the last two years? You are forgiven. So anyhoo, the parties going great and the Bride and groom ask me if I can do another hour. Money up front as is the rule for extra time and another hour went by. Still on and on outside the rain poured down. "Can you do another hour"? "Sure" I said, looking forward to even more cash, but starting to worry as the wet stains in the carpet started to infiltrate the edge of the marquee...ulp! So the hour goes by and..."This is brilliant"! Can you do another hour? "Well", I said "normally I would, but I'm really worried about the encroaching damp situation here and actually getting home without having to hire a boat"! So I reluctantly knocked it on the head at that point and began to pack up. The carpet was soaked. I had to keep the equipment off the floor by the "door" and about 6 feet inside, as I was squelching my way to the van with it. Going home was an experience too. Other deejays were texting round warnings to "drive carefully due to the extreme floods around". I was out in the sticks, so I was dreading what I might encounter. Some big, big puddles sure enough and lot's of slow cautious driving that night... You know those nights when you're really glad to be home and in bed? (even though it's 5 am and the daylights almost upon you - thick curtains are good in this business), Well I have this depressing feeling that they'll become much more common in times to come. Perhaps I should start turning up to the gig in a pair of wellies? Now there's a great look! Perhaps it'll become a perma-fashion...

    One good thing to come out of this: At least the water companies won't be going on about empty reservoirs anymore will they? Perhaps they can even start to discount the bill? "fat chance!" I hear you say.