Cloud And Sun DJ Services Weekly Blog

Hi And Welcome to my regular blog. I will try and keep it humorous which may mean mildly colourful language at times. I hope you enjoy it and won't be offended. In order to protect the guilty; no Customers will be mentioned by name unless it's complementary and even then I may opt for anonymity. This is only because I wanted to impress you by putting in the word "anonymity."  If I can think of any other slightly more pointless and annoying rules, I will let you know in due course.


Upcoming winter fun and frolics

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Hi all. Well this is the quite season in the mobile disco business so it's the time when one can do one of two things. 1. You can get nervous at the phone being unusually quiet. 2. You can do all the things that you haven't had time for during the rest of the year. So you friends that are reading this, now is the time you're most likey to catch me available for dinner on a Saturday night! Just not this Saturday night. Yep tomorrow night Becky and I are going to a black tie ball. Nice to wear a tuxedo, sip champagne and be a guest for a change! I went to this rather expensive charity thing a few years ago now and it's a bit like going to the brit awards in terms of table quality, although the musicians on stage are probably a good deal better trained and don't get pissed up and start shouting at the audience...Oh and they don't all come on and begin with "Whats up? I'm...." have you noticed how everybody seems to be using that worn out phraze these days on TV and Radio?  I mean I doubt they use it on "Strictly" but then I don't really watch those programmes.. I recall being forced to go to ballroom dancing classes every Saturday morning for a while at around eight years old, as my parents were fanatical about it. I'll never forget the two "instructors". The Main man was this camp old fruit called.. well lets just call him Nigel. Think Pinapple dance studios but with a dark side. It was his long suffering and somewhat dissappointed looking second in command and wife I felt sorry for, although I didn't really know exactly why at the time. I guess the partnership sort of worked on a professional level when he wasn't putting her down with his slightly sarcy comments. Can you guess which one I liked the best?  I'll give you a hint. It wasn't bloody "Nigel"!

Anyway, I digress. Back to the black tie ball...I saw the event being set up the other night and the stage lights inspired me no end. I must get some more scanners like I used to have (before I emigrated briefly to America and sold some good stuff at silly prices). They are like coloured search beams scanning through the venue in unison and of course if you can use smoke or haze, all the better.

Talking of which..are you looking forward to firework night? I am. (funny how my mind works isn't it?) I stopped going to the Lewes one as the 911 thing I'm told shot up all the insurance and now they can't afford the extraviganza that they used to have. Feel free to correct me on this if it's changed. But we love to go to the Arundel display. it lasts about half an hour and is at the football club so you can walk in under flood lights and get a beer if you so wish (which to be perfectly honest, I never really do in the middle of a cold football field at night) Try to ignore the music in the apaulingly bad crackly tannoy system. When the action is about to start, they turn off the flood lights and the crowd reacts appropriately. When it's all over you can enjoy a trip to one of the lovely pubs in the town. Who could wish for a better winter nights entertainment? And no, I'm not on commission.

Perhaps you're looking forward to Christmas already? I was listening to the radio this morning and they played a festive jingle for a laugh, but it got me in the mood! It's those sleigh bells and chime bars isn't it? Works every time.

New years eve is the wildest gig of the year and this year I'm at the Park house Hotel Bepton near Chichester so maybe see you there?

Ok better go now. Got to fix some new handles on my DJ console case as it's got so much inside it's got a split one that needs replacing! 

Until next time, have a great weekend...



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